Spine manipulation: multi-faceted therapy can correct back or neck problems
When back or neck pain strikes, many people seek out the help of a chiropractor, osteopathic physician or other practitioner of spinal ma...
7 simple tips to sleep better
You went to bed at a reasonable hour, you do not drink stimulants, you shut your screens 30 minutes earlier, you are not too hot, not too c...
Importance of a good sleep and mattress for overall health
No matter what your age, sleeping well is essential to your physical health and emotional well-being. For seniors, quality sleep is parti...
How much sleep do we really need ??
Most of us sleep approximately one-third of our lives. Do we really have to sleep so long? We rarely encounter people who sleep much les...
Whey protein: some facts you need to know
Among the dairy proteins, whey protein has recently received much attention from the scientific community due to its positive effects on ...
The benefits of soy probably have not heard of before
Soya foods, from soya milk to tofu, are often touted for their health benefits. But if you add soya to your diet, be mindful about what ...
5 Wrong eating habits
The older we get, the less balanced and more haphazard our eating habits can become. Sometimes we go to extremes to lose weight; sometime...
Childhood Obesity: from Fat to Fit
Obesity is one term we hear every now and then. The WHO (World Health Organization) defines obesity as: “Abnormal or excessive fat accumu...
7 Tips To Gain Muscle Fast
If you want to gain muscle fast, you came to the right place. rapid weight gain is reduced to using your brain more than his biceps. So let...
Cancer Survivor : improve survival and help prevent recurrence or the development of a second primary cancer
If you’re a cancer survivor , you know that completing your treatments was just one step in your cancer journey. Transitioning to reco...
Water Aerobics : Suggestions To Start !
You want to refresh by taking water aerobics classes this summer ?? The international association of fitness professionals offers yo...
The benefits of physical activity that gives you good health and strong muscles. They can strengthen the heart, and lift the spirit
The benefits of exercice are usually measured in terms of strong muscles and improved cardiovascular fitness. But recent research sugges...
How To Gain Muscle For Skinny People
Many people who are skinny and want to gain weight can not, no matter how hard they work. Your metabolism is so fast that no matter how muc...
5 workouts and Nutrition Tips to gain muscle fast
Exercise and sport are two of the best ways to gain muscle fast. There are other methods as well. What you need to know about gaining muscl...