
Importance of a good sleep and mattress for overall health

5:45:00 PM
No matter what your age, sleeping well is essential to your physical health and emotional well-being. For seniors, quality sleep is particularly essential due to its impact on concentration, memory and
its restorative qualities. Sleep can help the body try to mend cell damage that occurred during the day and it can refresh the immune system, which helps prevent disease and infection.

Along with good nutrition and exercise, sleep is now recognized as an important coniributor to good health. Lack of sleep and poor qualiy sleep connibute to depression, poor concentration. high blood pressure, and heart disease. Many health practitioners consider sleep to be a barometer of a person's health. like taking one's temperature. Seniors and their adult caregivers that do not get quality sleep are more likely to have an increased chance of depression. memory problems, faulty Judgment and excessive drowsiness.
They are also more likely to suffer falls, have a lower pain threshold and use more prescription or over-dwe-counter sleep aids. Insufficient sleep can also lead to on increased risk of restless leg syndrome, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight problems and breast cancer in women.

Sleep is particularly important for women. Some chronic conditions affecting sleep are more common in women, including osteoarthritis, fibromualgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.when combined with hormonal changes from the child rearing process and menopause (after which the rates of sleep apnea in women triple), women deal with added challenges to attain quality sleep.

It is also associated with mental illness, road deaths, and reduced productivity costing an unacceptably high volume of expenses to the economy. Research shows that around 1 in 3 people suffer from poor qualitu sleep and one important factor that contributes to a good night's sleep is the right mattress. Considering we spend around one third of our life in bed it is worth doing some research into getting it right. The right mattress needs to be comfortable whist still being firm enough to provide good postural alignment. Its length should be at least 15cm longer than the tallest person using the bed. This means that you need to try the mattress in store and it Is important that both you and grow partner are content that the mattess provides comfort and support. This may be problematic for some couples who vary significantly in weight. Some mattess models come with differing comfort Iayers on each side of the bed and this may be a viable option for such couples.

The most common mistakes people make when choosing a mattress?
 Don't test the mattresses at the end of a day's shopping — everything will feel comfortable!
when testing lhe mattress try rolling over. If it is difficult to turn it may be too soft, if uncomfortable on the hips or shoulders it maybe too firm.

Things to consider when buying a mattress:
your sleep position is also important when choosing your mattress.

- Firm mattress tops are best suited if you sleep mostly on your back or stomach. giving you the proper comfort and support.
- Plush layers work best for helping sooth pressure points throughout your body as you sleep.
- Pillowtop mattress layers are constructed of material soft enough to let your body sink in and are particularly suited to side sleepers  Make sure me base you have at home is similar to the base in the display room, as a mattesscan feel very different on another base .


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